Donate to the LLD! 100% of your donation will benefit Library programs, services, and/or collections. Your support is greatly appreciated! Donations are tax-deductible.*
If you would like to receive acknowledgment of your donation, please save your Transaction ID (you will receive this after inputting your donation info). Email us your name and ID# at You will be sent a letter acknowledging your donation. Thank you!
Donate HERE
[JUNE 2022] Generous donors helped the LLD reach the LiteZilla© fundraiser goal. We are so very grateful to all the individual givers and to the organizations who got us over the finish line. We cannot wait to install the LiteZilla© in the soon-to-be new Youth Services Department once the LLD renovation is complete in the new year!
“I am delighted about having a feature that not only encourages individual creativity, but also inspires artistic collaboration. The LLD is deeply grateful for the community’s support via individual donations and the generous donations from distinguished organizations within the community. A lot of credit goes to the LLD Advocacy and Outreach Committee for a very thoughtful fundraising effort,” Tatiana Weinstein, LLD Director.
The JCS Arts, Health, and Education Fund Grant was awarded to the Library by the DuPage Foundation. Donations were also made by Lisle Woman’s Club, Friends of the Lisle Public Library District/Lisle Community Service Corporation, Lisle Library District Foundation, Giant Steps, Home Pride Services, and an assortment of individual donors. All donors are publicly recognized via a plaque near the LiteZilla©.
The mission of the LLD is to enhance the cultural, social, and lifelong educational development of the community and the LiteZilla© certainly aligns with that mission!
*The LLD encourages donors to contact a professional financial advisor regarding valuation for tax purposes. The LLD is a tax exempt, public library. Public library districts in Illinois are considered “political subdivisions” (IRS/ILCS) that may receive and administer donations for the benefit of the public. Under Illinois library law, any person or group of persons may make donations of money or property for the benefit of the District [75 ILCS 5/1-6 and 75 ILCS l6/30-75]. Donations to public libraries are deductible under Section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, which allows deductions for contributions to governmental units for public purpose.