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Discussion Groups

The Lisle Library District proudly hosts six Adult discussion groups each month. 

Book Groups:

Fixed On Fiction

Contemporary, historical, general, and classic fiction selections
Meets every second Thursday of the month at 7PM, unless otherwise indicated.
Contact: Elizabeth Hopkins at for more details

Upcoming Discussion

Reading History

Murder Among Friends

Mystery selections that cover the gamut of mystery sub-genres: police procedurals, traditional, private eyes, cozies & more.
Meets every third Thursday of the month at 7PM, unless otherwise indicated.
Contact: Noelle Spicher at for more details

Upcoming Discussion

Reading History

Science Fiction/Fantasy Book Group

SF-F including sub-genre choices
Meets every last Wednesday of the month at 7PM, unless otherwise indicated.
Contact: Lori Cummins at for more details

Upcoming Discussion

Reading History

SF-F Code List

Just the Facts, Nonfiction Book Discussion

Contemporary, historical, and general Nonfiction selections
Meets every third Wednesday of the month at 7PM, unless otherwise indicated.
Contact: Krista Kloepper at for more details

Upcoming Discussion

Reading History

Booked For the Day

All genre daytime book group 
Meets every first Monday of the month at 11AM, unless otherwise indicated. 
Contact: Jean Demas at for more details

Upcoming Discussion

Reading History

Food for Thought

A culinary discussion group. Meets the first Thursday of every other month at 7PM, unless otherwise noted. 
Contact: Noelle Spicher at for more details.

Upcoming Discussion