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LLD Pollinator/Butterfly Garden

The LLD welcomes butterflies and all pollinators! The LLD Pollinator Garden has recently been certified as a Monarch Waystation, sharing the honor with other popular Lisle destinations such as PrairieWalk Pond and The Children's Butterfly Patch at The Morton Arboretum. 

Monarch populations have been rapidly declining throughout North America for a variety of reasons, including the unfortunate eradication of milkweed plants.

Milkweed is the sole source of food for Monarch caterpillars; without it, Monarchs cannot exist. To help save the Monarchs, The Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife Service’s Partners for Fish and Wildlife sent the Library a packet of milkweed seeds to start a butterfly garden!

The garden was planted and is maintained by LLD Adult Services staff. We love supporting butterflies and all pollinators! You can find the LLD Pollinator Garden next to the parking lot entrance on Kingston Avenue.

Our garden contains a mix of the following plants: Prairie Smoke, Common Milkweed, Pearly Everlasting, Cardinal Flower, Dense Blazing Star, Common Ironweed, Purple Coneflower, Beebalm, Butterfly Milkweed, Wild Lupine, & Showy Goldenrod.